

In my article "Art Bronze" that was published in the "Journal of Advanced Appraisal Studies" I stated that the only sure method for determining the authenticity of a bronze cast is complete documentation of its ownership, which includes the custody of the materials since their creation, including any changes or restorations that successive custodians have made to them. While that is still true, we now have 3-D imaging hardware and software which has become an important tool in fighting the war against art fraud.

One company, "The VanDuzen Archives of Dallas, has built a growing business around the use of imaging hardware and digital shape sampling software as tools to authenticate and conserve works of art. And in one recent job, the company helped ferret out a forged copy of Picasso’s Tete de Fernande, a bronze bust. These 3-D digitizers Art and technology have started to come together in an unlikely place - under the gaze of 3-D digitizers. " To read the rest of the article in Design News click HERE

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