Block of the Telegram states how the scheme worked. Shea received cash payments from customers for auction items, but rather than depositing the cash payments into the company’s accounts, authorities allege that Ms. Shea would keep the cash for herself. Investigators say that to cover the missing cash deposits, Ms. Shea covered the paid cash invoices she stole by applying incoming check payments of equivalent amounts on the company’s books. Upon receipt of these check payments, Ms. Shea allegedly deposited the payments into the company’s account, but would apply it to the “open,” or unpaid, cash payment she had stolen previously. According to authorities, Ms. Shea would then use subsequent check payments to cover the previously deposited but “open” check payments. Even when misallocating payments, authorities allege, Ms. Shea would provide accurate information to the company’s inventory system to ensure that paid customers received their items upon payment when she left their invoices as “open.” In addition to stealing cash payments, authorities allege that Ms. Shea took items that were up for auction without paying for them. Investigators say Ms. Shea had her own employee account with the company, and she could use this account to bid on, and purchase, auction items. Ms. Shea allegedly did not pay for many of the items, but rather used the money from payments made by customers to cover the outstanding, unpaid balances on her personal client account. Ms. Shea then “lapped” subsequent incoming checks to cover these misapplied payments, according to authorities.
To read the Telegraph article click HERE.
1 comment:
As a frequent buyer at Skinner's I dealt with Ms. Shea many times and found her to be a rude and gruff woman. At one time she sent me a letter that was hastily scribbled on a piece of scratch paper telling me that I'd abused my 30 day privledge and if I did it again my priledge would be revoked. I thiunk what's she's done is inexcuseable and she deserves to spend the rest of her days behind bars in addition to making full restitution to Skinner's.
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