
Tech Tip: Nice Translator

Nice Translator uses the Google translate engine for translating languages, but it will auto detect the language with a more intuitive and easy to use interface than the Google translation tool. You select the language or group of languages you want to translate into, type in the text and nice translator does the rest. It is really a pretty neat site.

The Nice Translator site states NiceTranslator was created during the Fall of 2008 to provide an improved interface for translating text on the Web. Although web-technologies have advanced greatly recently, existing online translators remain cumbersome to use.

Thanks to the Google Translation API, we were able to focus on designing a simple and functional online translator, unlike any other to date.

In appraising we are always running across a phrase in a foreign language and need a quick translation. Nice Translator is good, fast and easy Click HERE to visit the Nice Translator site.

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