
Bonhams Expands into Specialty Photography Sales

I recently posted on Phillips auction house along with new ownership was expanding auctions and catalog sales including a new emphasis on lesser known artists as a new strategy. To read that AW Post, click HERE.

Anne Crane of the Antique Trade Gazette is now reporting that Bonhams is taking advantage of Sotheby's reduction and will start a new series of photography specality sales. According to Antique Trade Gazette, Bonhmas will compete with Stotheby's. Christie's, and Bloombury in this market segment. All of the scheduled and planned sales are for the London offices. Crane notes that many collectors have left purchasing at sales and fairs, and now look to the major auction houses to supply the market. If that is the case, the Bonhams strategy could be very well received.

Anne Crane of the Antique Trade Gazette reports:

While Bonhams have been selling vintage photographs for some time, this has previously been as part of their book department with the content focussing on fields such as social history or topography with their bi-annual India and Beyond auctions.

They have now appointed Jocelyn Phillips, who was a member of Sotheby’s photograph department from 2004 until last year, to head up the new stand-alone department.

She will be holding two sales per year in May and November, the dates when photo auctions have traditionally been held by the other London rooms.

Jocelyn Phillips said she expects to cover the same range of material as Sotheby’s and Christie’s, but with a broader price range.

Bonhams’ book department will continue to offer appropriate photographic material (including the India and Beyond sales), but Ms Phillips will be working closely with them on sale content.

The addition of another player in the specialist photograph field should be a welcome one as it helps boost London’s profile as a centre for photography alongside New York and Paris.

To read the full Antique Trade Gazaette article, click HERE.

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