
Elinor Gordon Collection of Chinese Export to Sotheby's

On January 23rd, 2010 Sotheby's will offer 280 lots from the private collection of the Chinese Export dealer Elinor Gordon. Gordeon considered one of the best Chinese Export porcelain dealers, and a fixture for many years at the Winter Antique Show in NY recently passed away. The sale takes place during NY's American week.

Sotehby's stated about Gordon and the sale:
Gordon is largely credited with elevating Chinese Export Porcelain to an independent
collecting category. Indeed she herself began as an avid collector before entering the trade in 1953. Over several decades, Gordon and her husband Horace quietly amassed a comprehensive collection of works made for both the European and American markets – a collection many knew through her book, Collecting Chinese Export Porcelain, published in
1977, but which few knew had survived more or less intact. After thirty years packed away in boxes throughout Gordon’s home, the collection will be exhibited in full at Sotheby’s New York galleries beginning 16 January2010

Christina Prescott-Walker, Head of European Ceramics and Chinese Export porcelain, commented, “We are delighted to be offering the private collection of Elinor Gordon, who was truly a pioneer of the field, and to be able to celebrate her love of collecting. Representing a broad range of interests and prices, this collection offers something for every collector at every level. From European market wares to American market pieces to armorial porcelain, it has been a great joy for us to discover Elinor’s gems, and to imagine how much fun she must have
had acquiring them.”

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