
ISA Conference Sponsorship Guide

 As a member of the Board of Directors of the International Society of Appraisers I would like to extend the invitation to participate in our annual Conference, Assets, 2010 being held in Toronto.   The conference program is excellent, click HERE for more information, and it is open to both members and non ISA members.

Some highlights include:
  • A Market Perspective: How Value is Developed & Sustained by art dealer Nicholas Metivier, auction-house owner David Heffel and art-historian/curator Patterson Sims
  • Innovations in Photography by Robert Burley, photographer and Associate Professor at the School of Image Arts, Ryerson University
  • Insurance Appraisals by Vivian Ebersman, Director Art Expertise at AXA Art, NY & Ann-Louise Seago, Senior Art Underwriter, AXA Art, Toronto
  • Authentication of Leonardo da Vinci & Jackson Pollock by Peter Paul Biro
  • Earthly Paradise: Arts and Crafts by William Morris by Brian Musselwhite, Assistant Curator, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto
  • Mastering the Art of Object Description: A Report Writing Workshop
The following was just released by ISA.
Dear Valued Partner,

The International Society of Appraisers would like to invite you to participate as a sponsor of our annual conference, Assets 2010, taking place April 30 – May 3, 2010 in Toronto, Ontario.

A variety of sponsorship options are available, from advertising in the final program, to sponsorship packages inclusive of multiple benefits and advertising opportunities. For full details on sponsorship packages available to you, download our Sponsorship Guide.

ISA is a not-for-profit organization whose members are some of the most respected independent appraisers, consultants, estate liquidators, auctioneers, gallery owners, and dealers in the United States and Canada. Join ISA in Toronto this spring to reach your audience.

For more information regarding sponsorship and advertising, please contact ISA Headquarters.

phone: 312.981.6778
email: isa@isa-appraisers.org
If you cant attend, perhaps you would be willing to help sponsor an event or speaker.

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