
Appraisal Practices Board (APB) Applications Now Available

For Immediate Release

Contact:     Paula Douglas Seidel, 202.624.3048, paula@appraisalfoundation.org

Washington, DC, February 17, 2010  The Appraisal Foundation, a Congressionally authorized non-profit organization dedicated to promoting professionalism in appraising through the establishment of appraisal standards and appraiser qualifications, announced today that applications are now available for qualified candidates to serve on the Appraisal Practices Board (APB).
Late last year, the Foundation Board of Trustees unanimously voted to establish this new Board.  The APB will be charged with studying the issue of how to best address a void in the marketplace related to guidance on appraisal methods and techniques that would be available to all appraisers practicing in the United States.   This guidance will eventually cover all valuation disciplines, with a focus on emerging issues. 
After a recent vote of the Board of Trustees to amend the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation, the APB has now been officially established.  The new Board will be similar in structure and composition to the already existing independent boards, the Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) and the Appraisal Standards Board (ASB). 
The purpose of the APB is to issue voluntary timely guidance to appraisers on emerging valuation issues that are occurring in the marketplace.  This guidance will be of assistance to appraisers, appraiser regulators and educators.  The new Board will enlist the help of market surveys to identify issues that need to be addressed and will empanel small groups of volunteer Subject Matter Experts (SME) to draft the guidance for review and approval by the Board.  The SME panels will be selected by the APB to address specific topic issues within agreed upon timeframes.  It is anticipated that the SME panels will be established in the latter part of 2010. 
The Appraisal Foundation is now seeking qualified candidates to serve on the APB.  The APB will commence work in July 2010.  Examples of qualifications that the Boards Nominating Committee will seek in candidates include the following:
  • A minimum of ten years of appraisal experience
  • A strong familiarity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)
  • Familiarity with valuation methodology and techniques
  • Experience in writing on valuation topics and/or curriculum development
  • Experience with public speaking and/or teaching on valuation topics
  • Experience in serving on a publicly accountable board.
The APB will be a multi-disciplinary board and therefore, The Appraisal Foundation is seeking candidates from various appraisal disciplines.
The Application factsheet and form is available online on the Foundation’s web site (https://appraisalfoundation.sharefile.com/d-seaa4a4152734b0eb).  Applications will be reviewed by the Boards Nominating Committee of The Appraisal Foundation and an extensive interview process will be conducted.  The final interviews will be conducted in a public forum at the Spring Meeting of the Board of Trustees on May 21, 2010 in California.  Inquiries on the Application or the selection process can be directed to Paula Douglas Seidel (paula@appraisalfoundation.org). 


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