
Magnum Photos Sells Archive

Lindsay Pollock writing for Bloomberg reports that Michael Dell, the Texas billionaire owner of Dell Computers, through his investment firm MSD Capital LP has purchased the historic archives of Magnum Photos.  The archives hold over 185,000 vintage photographic prints. The collection has been valued at $100 million.

Dell and MSD Capital will loan the collection for five years to the Harry Ransom Center, a library and museum at the University of Texas at Austin.  To visit the Magnum Photo website, click HERE.

Pollock reports
Ransom is among the leading acquirers of research materials from the 19th and 20th centuries. Among its holdings are the Watergate Papers, Norman Mailer’s archives and page proofs from James Joyce’s “Ulysses.” The Magnum archive includes the work of 103 photographers, images dating from the 1930s to 1998 that in some case are as much fine art as photojournalism. They chronicle world events such as the Spanish Civil War and the U.S. civil-rights movement.

‘Valuable Collection’

“This is a singularly valuable collection in the history of photography,” said Thomas F. Staley, director of the Ransom Center, in a statement. The center will promote the collection with exhibitions, research and fellowships. Magnum and MSD will contribute to maintenance and insurance costs. Magnum retains the copyright and licensing rights to all of the images.

“Some of the images have seeped into contemporary culture and are recognized by people who may not be interested in photography,” said New York dealer Bruce Silverstein, who represents the estate of Magnum photographer Leonard Freed.
To read the full article, click HERE.

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