
Appraisal Scholarships Available

As many readers of the AW Blog are aware, I am an active volunteer with the Foundation for Appraisal Education. I developed and edit the Journal of Advanced Appraisal Studies, now approaching our third annual edition and I work on other projects that help promote and raise funds for the foundation. The proceeds of the Journal go to support the educational initiatives of the foundation.

With that in mind, the Foundation for Appraisal Eduation is now accepting applications for scholarships. More information can be found on the website, by clicking HERE. A PDF scholarship application is available by click HERE

Dont be shy, apply for a scholarship.  During these difficult economic times, a few extra dollars to attend a conference or workshop may make the difference in landing a large assignment.  There are three, one for up to a $1,000 for an experienced appraiser, one for up to $1,000.00 for a new appraiser, and one for $500.00 for a select candidate for the Keith Ball scholarship.

Mission: The Foundation for Appraisal Education was formed to advance education related to personal property appraising and to assist individuals through scholarships for educational development to improve their capabilities by attending courses, classes, workshops and conferences.

How It Works
  • To apply for a scholarship, submit a completed application prior to taking a course, class, workshop or conference. There is no limit to the number of applications submitted.
  • In 2010, The Foundation will present scholarship awards of $1,000.00 each to one new and one experienced appraiser, and one selected candidate for the Keith Ball memorial Scholarship of $500.00.
  • Scholarship monies will be paid directly to the sponsor of the course, class, workshop or conference when the selected candidate confirms the educational opportunity in which they will participate.
  • Unused portions of a scholarship can be applied towards another course, class, workshop or conference, but must be dispersed within the allotted time frame (see below), or the unused portion will revert back to the Foundation.
  • In 2010, applications will be accepted February 15th through June 30th. Scholarships will be awarded on August 15th of the same year.
  • Recipients will have one year from the date the scholarship is awarded to complete their course, class, workshop or conference.
  • Scholarships are awarded to cover the costs for tuition of courses, classes, workshops, programs or conferences and do not include travel, hotel or other associated expenses.
  • Scholarships will be awarded only for educational classes, workshops, courses and conferences related to personal property appraising.
  • It is the responsibility of the applicant to complete and submit the application within the time frame noted above to be considered for a scholarship.
  • Students, new & experienced appraisers or any individual wanting to further their educational development in the area of personal property appraising may apply.
  • Applicants from all Appraisal Societies are welcome. 
  • Directors, officers, and employees of the International Society of Appraisers and the Foundation for Appraisal Education, members of the Foundation for Appraisal Education Scholarship Selection Committee and their relatives are not eligible to apply for Foundation for Appraisal Education Scholarships.
Send the completed and signed application plus supporting material to:
Diane Marvin, Scholarship Director
2336 S. East Ocean Boulevard, #359
Stuart, Florida 34996
Applications may also be e-mailed to dmappraise@aol.com, or faxed to 772-219-7458.

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