
ISA Announces New Executive Director

I am pleased to say that ISA is growing and thriving with the announcement of two new staff potions, including a new Executive Director to lead ISA. As a member of the ISA Board of Directors I am excited about our recent stability under the guidance of Sentergroup in Chicago, and the opportunities for growth and educational advancement with a strong staff of professionals with experience in the association and appraisal community.

The International Society of Appraisers is pleased to announce the addition of two new staff members.

Joseph Jackson, CAE has been appointed Executive Director, effective March 1. Joe is a Certified Association Executive with more than 16 years’ experience as an association management professional. In his role as Executive Director, Joe will oversee the effective administration of the Society’s resources including communications, finance, education, marketing/public relations, and membership management. Prior to joining the staff of our management company Sentergroup as an Account Executive in 2005, Joe served the American Institute of Architects in various capacities for 11 years, including 7 years as the Executive Director of AIA Colorado.

On March 8, Sara Porter joined ISA’s staff as Membership & Operations Coordinator. In this capacity, Sara will focus on membership recruitment and retention initiatives, database management, dues invoicing, member benefits and other operational and administrative solutions. Sara is a graduate of Butler University, and has experience in the association marketplace through previous positions with Smith Bucklin, the American Hospital Association and the American Dental Association.

This is in addition to the recent naming of Leon Castner, ISA CAPP, as Director of Education, with responsibility for the oversight and development of our Core, USPAP, and Requalification courses, along with our Webinar series and new educational endeavors.

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