
AW Blog Update

My Blogger dashboard has just notified me that the AW Blog has again been tagged as a spam blog by the blogger spam bots.  Many may recall I went through this last November and it took about two weeks to get the site reactivated.

Right now, Blogger has not shut the site completely down like last time. I still have access, but I dont know how long that will last and blogger could block it completely at any time.  So if the AW Blog posts stop coming, you will know why.

I have already requested the review, and started the process of reactivation, but I have seen it take a day to several weeks.  If this is a recurring problem I might have to shift away from blogger and to another provider.

I hope this time the process is quicker and easier, and that I can still post.

I will keep you posted as news is avaialbe, but if I am blacked out for a while you know why.

Thanks for all of your support.


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