
College Art Association

During the ISA annual conference in Toronto, one of the speakers brought up a very interesting website.  It is the College Art Association's site in general, and the Standards and Guidelines page in particular.  The CAA mission is to promotes the visual arts and their understanding through committed practice and intellectual engagement.

I copied and pasted the text from the page, where most of the items are hot-linked to a page which gives more information and of course the guidelines and standards used by and for artists in publishing, teaching, and administration. The best practices section is particular interesting, and certain guidelines are certainly helpful to the appraiser.

Click HERE to visit the College Art Associations Standards and Guidelines page.

Standards and Guidelines
About CAA Standards and Guidelines

Since its founding in 1911, CAA has regularly issued Standards and Guidelines—professional practices for the fields of art and art history—which are developed by CAA’s committees and special task forces and presented to the Board of Directors for approval. CAA encourages all members, institutional and individual, to read, understand, and use these documents. Published formally since 1973, the Standards and Guidelines are divided into four categories.
Career and Workplace

* Artist Résumé (1999)
* Curriculum Vitae for Visual Artists (1999)
* Curriculum Vitae for Art Historians (2003)
* Curriculum Vitae for Museum Professionals (2000)
* Etiquette for CAA Interviewers (2006)
* Guidelines for Part-Time Professional Employment (2004)
* Slide Labeling (1999)
* Standards for Professional Placement (1992)
* Works in New Media: Recommendations for the Formatting, Handling, and Screening of Works (2000)


* CAA Statement on Conflict of Interest (2006)

Legal Issues

* Copyrights and Permissions in Scholarly and Educational Publishing (under review)
* Guidelines Adopted by CAA Regarding the Hiring by Museums of Guest Curators, Exhibitors/Artists, and Catalogue Essayists as Outside Contractors (2002)
* A Guide to the New York Print and Photograph Law (1982)
* Printmakers Contracts (1978)
* Promotion of Distance Education Through Digital Technologies: Comments of the College Art Association (1999)
* Public Art Works (1987)
* A Quick Guide to Artists’ Rights under the New Copyright Law (1977)
* Resolution Concerning the Acquisition of Cultural Properties Originating in Foreign Countries (1973)
* Resolution Concerning the Sale and Exchange of Works of Art by Museums (1991)
* Standards for Sculptural Reproduction and Preventive Measures to Combat Unethical Casting in Bronze (1974)

Best Practices for Arts Professionals
Professional Practices for Artists

* Professional Practices for Artists (1977)

Professional Practices for Art Historians

* CAA Standards for Peer Review (2003)
* CAA Standards for Retention and Tenure of Art Historians (2009)
* CAA Statement on the Importance of Documenting the Historical Context of Objects and Sites (2004)
* A Code of Ethics for Art Historians and Guidelines for the Professional Practice of Art History (1995)
* Authentications and Attributions (2009)
* Guidelines for Curatorial-Studies Programs (2009)

Professional Practices for Academic Art Administrators

* Standards and Guidelines for Academic Art Administrators (2009)

Professional Practices for Museum Professionals

* Information about Museum Ethics and Professional Practices (2005)
* Professional Practices for Art Museum Curators (2007)

Professional Practices for Visual-Arts Faculty

* Guidelines for Faculty Teaching in New-Media Arts (2007)
* MFA Standards (2008)
* Standards for Retention and Tenure of Visual-Arts Faculty (2004)
* Standards for the BA and BFA Degrees in Studio Art (1979)

Professional Practices for Visual-Resource Professionals

* Criteria for the Hiring and Retention of Visual-Resources Professionals (2003)

Developing and Updating

* How to Develop/Update Guidelines (2008)

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