
Turning Around the Arts

Jacqueline Trescott has a good article in the Washington Post about Michael Kaiser, the director of the Kennedy Center and author of the The Art of the Turnaround. Kaiser is touring 50 states discussing the state of art organizations and dealing with the realities of the current economy.

Trescott reports that Kaiser promotes the following guidelines for an arts recovery and eventual stability.

  • Do not reduce programming. Trim behind the scenes on discretionary items, such as staff travel.
  • Plan ahead for four or five years, and then let the public know what's on the drawing board so it will be clear that the organization plans to be around.
  • Planning should be done by both large and small groups.
  • Develop collaborations with local artistic groups, museums and schools.
  • Find and train entrepreneurial managers.
  • Develop new streams of revenue.
  • Make the board members ambassadors for the work being presented, as well as fundraisers.
To read the full Washington Post article, click HERE. You might have to register to read the full article, but it is free.

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