
Update: Fine and Decorative Arts Survey

The Appraiser Workshops Fine and Decorative Arts Market Confidence Survey has now been up for almost a week.  Results have been strong, although they now are starting to taper off. Click the link to take the online survey, http://bit.ly/gJYcEY.

If you have not contributed your market expertise to the survey, I encourage all readers of the AW Blog to take a few minutes to complete the simple survey. The survey has also received good comments and attention from some LinkedIn personal property appraisal groups.

I plan on keeping the questionnaire online for about another week, and then I will remove it and compile the results, compare to the previous quarter and post online.  The more responses I have, the more statistically significant the results.

If you have not yet completed, please take a few minutes to answer the simple survey at http://bit.ly/gJYcEY

I thank all who have participated.

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