
European Impressionist Market Trends, et al

The Financial Times posted Art Market Research index in graph form of sales for European Impressionists (click on graph to enlarge). Although the FT web page is a bit hard to follow, at the bottom is a content slider with additional graphs. There are a total of ten in all with AMR tracking additional market sectors with analysis.

All of the graphs are well worth viewing, the additional sectors include:
  • 20th Century British Sculpture
  • Modern and Contemporary Indian Art
  • Chinese Contemporary Art
  • Old Masters
  • Photography 1985-2010
  • The Women's Art 100 Index
  • 19th and 20th Century British Art
  • The American Art 100 Index
  • Modern and Contemporary Art
Many of the indexed graphs track the sectors over many years, so it is easy to follow the trends.The graphs are well worth printing out and saving, and like the Fine and Decorative Arts Market Confidence Survey, Art Research Technology focus reports and the Mei Moses indexes, all can aid in supporting market analysis and trending.

The analysis of the European Impressionist sector from AMR is

The European Impressionists Index is recovering fast from the collapse of 2008-09. The average gain for the mainstream (Central 80% price-bracket) of this market since the recent April 2010 low stands at 33% for the three currencies shown in the chart. These markets are almost exactly back on their trend-lines and are showing compound growth rates of 6.7% (Euro Terms) 9% (USD Terms) and 9.5% (GBP Terms) since 2000.

The better performance of this index in USD over Euro terms reflects the comparative strength of the US Dollar over the Euro over the period.

If this index had been calculated only in US Dollar terms, for example, it would require that every hammer price paid in France, Britain, Germany or elsewhere be converted from the local currency to US Dollars. An index in USD terms would therefore reflect the movements in exchange rates over the period.
To view the additional graphs and analysis, click HERE.

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