I just came back from the Foundation for Appraisal Education's Reading Between the Wines party, celebrating the 4th edition of the Journal of Advanced Appraisal Studies. We had a great turnout (free wine and beer will do that) and sold a lot of copies of the Journal. See image of the party. The Foundation will be selling copies of the new journal and past editions throughout the ISA conference.
Proceeds from the journal support the educational initiatives and scholarships from the Foundation for Appraisal Education.
The cost of the new journal is only $55.00, and contains 22 articles from a wide range of appraisers, scholars, and educators (see full list below).

Click the button below to order.

The authors and article titles are:
Click the button to order:* Logan Adams - Auction Platforms in the Expanded Market
* Soodie Beasley - Fact and Illusion: Nude Woman in Pre-Hitlerian Germany
* Jane C. Brennom - Social Media for the Appraiser: A Multi-Channel Approach
* Ona Curran - Colonial New York Limners
* Jan Robbins Durr - Senior Market: Where Networks Work for Appraisers
* Linda Eaton - Ernest LoNano: Decorator's Counsel
* Charles Falco - High-Resolution Infrared Imaging of Paintings and Cultural Artifacts
* Alexander Gaydasch - Appraising: Art or Science?
* Katherine Jentleson - The Blue Chip Market of Grandma Moses: An Outsider Artist Inside the Mainstream Auction Market
* Brian Kathenes - Selling Your Professional Appraisal Services and Products
* Peter Kostoulakos - How to Examine an Antique Painting
* William Novotny - When Does USPAP Require a Competency Disclosure?
* Ünsal Özdilek - Essentials of Appraising Art
* Tony Pernicone - Beyond Auction Sales: Selecting Fine Art FMV Comparables
* Newbold (Newbie) Richardson - Textile "Stuff": How to Categorize, Evaluate and Value Historic Clothing, Fashion and Textiles
* Steve Roach - Examining the Rare Coin and Precious Metal Markets
* Daphne Rosenzweig - "Qianlong" - His Mark Lives On
* Jerry Sampson - Dealing with Difficult Clients
* Alexa Shitanishi - The Provenance Effect: An Analysis of the Effect of Ownership on the Value of Fine Art
* Todd W. Sigety - Social Media for the Appraiser: A Multi-Channel Approach
* Brenda Simonson-Mohle - Art Forgery: A Cautionary Tale
* Ed Tuten - Appraising American Horse Drawn Carriages and Sleighs
* Victor Wiener - The Role of Appraisers in the Process of Authentication and in Other Related Valuation Issues
* Charles Wong - The Role of Appraisers in the Process of Authentication and in Other Related Valuation Issues

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