
Off to Nashville and the ISA Conference

I am heading to Nashville for the ISA conference followed by a the ISA board meeting. I will try to post (and I have pre scheduled several) when I can along with an interesting news of comments from the conference. So if posts are a bit sporadic over the next week you know why.

The Foundation for Appraisal Education will be selling the copies of the Journal of Advanced Appraisal Studies - 2011 and having a social function to celebrate the 4th annual edition on Friday evening. If any plan on attending the conference, or are at the Heart of Country show try to stop by and join the evening.

In the meantime, dont forget to order your copy of the journal.

 NOW AVAILABLE!! - The Journal of Advanced Appraisal Studies - 2011. Click button to order.
Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

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