
Former Director of Salander-O’Reilly Galleries Found Guilty

Bloomberg is reporting that Leigh Morse, the former director of Salander-O’Reilly Galleries has been found guilty of scheming to defraud. She was not found guilty of the other charge against her, grand larceny in the alleged theft of a painting by Robert Di Nero. It took the jury five days to reach the final verdicts. The Manhattan district attorney stated the Morse sold artwork valued at $5 million from four artist estates without notification.

Bloomberg reports

Prosecutors said Morse withheld information about sales to the owners of artworks so they wouldn’t demand payment and that she pocketed the $65,000 proceeds from the 2007 sale of two paintings by De Niro’s late father that the actor inherited, without the actor’s knowledge.

“Because the art industry is largely unregulated, it is particularly important to hold accountable those who fraudulently handle works of art entrusted to them,” Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. said in a statement after the verdict. Morse is scheduled to be sentenced June 3.

Morse, who didn’t react when the verdict was read, remains free on $75,000 bail. She left the courtroom without answering reporters’ questions.
To read the Bloomberg article, click HERE.

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