On January 13th, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm the National Capital Area Chapter of ISA and the Potomack Company (526 North Fayette Street, Alexandria, VA 22314) will host a photography workshop for the appraiser. The workshop will be held at Potomack Company in Alexandria, VA. The registration fee for the workshop is only $50.00.
The workshop instructor, David B. Smith has been photographing artwork for over 10 years for galleries, artists, alternative art organizations, art magazines and catalogues. He has completed the NYU certification in Fine and Decorative Art Appraisal and has started an appraisal practice which specializes in photography. Because his background is also in appraising, David is the perfect professional photographer to instruct a workshop on how appraisers should take images to enhance their reports as he is an experienced and professional photographer as well as an appraiser.
This workshop will provide an introduction into photography for the appraiser— from basic field techniques and tricks to more advanced methods of achieving catalogue quality images. Photography is an essential tool for appraisers and can be used to enhance the quality of the appraisal report, facilitate communication between experts, and describe an object more effectively than words. Some of the topics covered in the workshop through hands-on demonstration and discussion will be:
- Photographic Setup — tools, tips and approaches
- 2 Dimensional Objects — Scanning and photographing
- Art and documents behind glass / plexi
- Sculpture and 3D objects — lighting, and dealing with texture and reflection
- Macro — shooting makers marks, signatures, etc.
- Reflective Objects — jewelry, glassware, silver, etc.
- Installation Art. New Media, Video Art
- Basic Photoshop / Printing techniques
Bring your camera as much of the workshop will be hands on, plus a Q&A session after the presentation.
Save the date, January 13, 2012. Click HERE for more information, or to register contact Todd Sigety at 703-836-1020 or click HERE to email.
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