
How Much Will Munch's The Scream Bring at Auction

The sale is in May, but the buzz created by the Sotheby's news release for the upcoming sale of the last of Edvard Munch's The Scream in private hands has been amazing.  So much so that a British bookie is offering odds that it will beat the $125 million mark. The pre sale estimate is at $80 million.

The Financial Times Reports

How much will Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” (1895) fetch when it is auctioned by Sotheby’s in New York in May? A British bookie is offering odds of 3/1 that it will break the $125m barrier, way over its $80m-plus estimate – the first time, to my knowledge, that the price of an artwork has been subject to public betting. But then “The Scream” is one of the best-known art images in the world. This picture has rarely been seen in public, however, because of the four versions Munch painted it is the last in private hands. (The other three are in Norwegian museums.) “I think that bidding will be totally international, it’s a trophy that any collector would love to have,” says Munch specialist and dealer Jens Faurschou. As well as museums (if they can afford it), a surprising number of other collectors might step up: Qatar, currently the biggest buyer of modern and contemporary art, or perhaps a Russian oligarch, a US hedge-funder or indeed another Norwegian collector.
Source: The Financial Times

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