The Guardian article states that Perenyi sold his works to established auction houses. collectors and dealers. The book is entitled Caveat Emptor: The Secret Life of an American Art Forger. It looks like it will be available in early August. Click HERE for the Amazon page.
I always enjoy reading these books, with one of my favorites being Provenance.
The Guardian reports
Source: The Guardian
The book, Caveat Emptor: The Secret Life of an American Art Forger, will be published next month and tells the story of Ken Perenyi, an American who lived in London for 30 years. The revelations within it are likely to spark embarrassment on both sides of the Atlantic.
Perenyi's specialities included British sporting and marine paintings of the 18th and 19th centuries. He concentrated on the work of well-known but second-rank artists, believing that the output of the greatest masters is too fully documented. Dealers were often told he had found a picture in a relative's attic or spotted it in a car boot sale.
Perhaps Perenyi's proudest moment came when a forgery of Ruby Throats with Apple Blossoms, by the American 19th-century artist Martin Johnson Heade, made the front page of a national newspaper and was heralded as a major "discovery". It later fetched nearly $100,000 at auction in New York.
Claiborne Hancock, of Pegasus Books, describes the revelations in Caveat Emptor as "a bombshell for the major international auction houses and galleries".
Perenyi believes he is free finally to publish his story because, although he was investigated by the FBI, the case was closed in 2003 and is subject to the statute of limitations. He said he has never discovered why the case was dropped, but he suspects the art world may have been keen to prevent the exposure of the serial forgeries.
Born in New Jersey 63 years ago to a factory machinist, Perenyi is a self-taught artist who painted his first pictures as a teenager, discovering a natural talent for "the aesthetic and technical aspects of the old masters".
He recalled at first "trying to become a legitimate… artist" [but] every time I needed supplies or food, I would make a fake and sell it… I started to rely on fakery more and more. I eventually turned it into a full-blown career."
Explaining why he kept away from famous artists, Perenyi said: "I wouldn't want to fake a George Stubbs, as paintings… like that are usually… accounted for. However, you take an artist like John F Herring or Thomas Buttersworth and there could always be another one… in somebody's attic."
1 comment:
The Angry Luddite: "CAVEAT EMPTOR: The Secret [Ghostwritten ...northwardho.blogspot.com/1 day ago by dan
Unconvicted because never charged yet fully admitting his past, American art forger Ken Perenyi's ghostwritten "memoir" (scare quotes intended) titled "CAVEAT EMPTOR: The Secret Life of an American Art Forger", the ghostwritten confessional tell-all of how a "tune in, turn on, drop out" high school kid ... Unfortunately, he never presents the reader with an authentic depiction of the mind of a pathological fraud, which is really what the book should have been all about.
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