
ASA NorCal Paper Conservation Workshop

Paper Conservation Workshop with Karen Zukor at Zukor Art Conservation
Saturday, September 22, 2012
10:00 to 12:00

Zukor Art Conservation3016 Filbert Street. No. 10
Oakland, California 94608
510.652.7915 telephone

Sponsored by
ASA NorCal Chapter

This mini-seminar will be limited. So register now to save your spot for this event at http://www.regonline.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=1119778

$35.00 for the workshop. Very limited space available

Join us for this exceptional workshop with Karen Zukor, one of San Francisco Bay Area’s experts on the care and treatment of paper. Learn about the different types of paper, the major problems facing fine art on paper; learn how to identify problems and describe them in an appraisal report, how they can be prevented and what a conservator can do to remedy them.  This will be a hands-on workshop giving the participants the opportunity to see real situations and compare them.
To assist with writing appraisals, participants will be given vocabulary handouts on the following subjects:Properties and Characteristics of Paper (both Western and Japanese), Adhesives, Matting and Framing. 

Zukor Art Conservation specializes in the repair and preservation of art and artifacts on paper - prints, drawings, watercolors, pastels, documents, maps, manuscripts, and rare books. Their expertise covers a broad spectrum, from small repairs to the treatment of severely damaged and deteriorated objects. Analysis and documentation accompany all completed conservation treatments. They also provide guidelines on archival framing, storage, and shipping, as well as preventive maintenance.
Karen Zukor has been a professional paper conservator for almost thirty years and is a Fellow of the American Institute for Conservation. She has been responsible for many collections - including fine art, archival material, maps, documents, and rare books - held both in private hands and at institutions. In addition, she has trained both pre- and post-program interns for over twenty years, and lectures widely to the general public.

Re-accreditation Credit: A uniform re-accreditation credit certificate will be awarded, verifying hours of attendance.

Questions? 408-867-3440 to speak with Louise Allrich, Event Coordinator (Pacific Time).  Street parking is available nearby. Driving Directions are on Zukor’s website. http://zukorartconservation.com/contact.htm

Coffee and Danish will be served

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