
Appraisal Qualifications Board 2nd Exposure Draft

Today I attended the The Appraisal Foundation Advisory Council meetings in Washington DC.  The meeting was a bit contentious, as we are at the 2nd exposure draft and some major concerns have been raised.  The committee will recommend the AQB extend the comment period of the second exposure draft from September 30 until the end of December.

I encourage all personal property appraisers, especially those from ISA, ASA, AAA, NAA and some of the machinery and equipment groups look at these new proposed qualifications standards.  Should they go into effect, appraisers who belong to sponsoring organizations will be required to follow them.  Many appraisers will be grandfathered, but the changes could have a large impact on future membership as well as those moving from one designation to another and overall educational standards.

I plan on again reviewing the document and sending in my personal comments. As president of ISA, I will also have ISA send in comments as a non-sponsoring appraisal organization. It is my believe the current document is confusing and hard to follow and should be simplified.  I would also like to see more flexibility for each appraisal organization to meet the standards.  I dont really propose reducing the standards in the document, (although I have some concerns from an association basis on the Associate degree requirement) but to see available options and opportunities for those members with differing backgrounds.  I dont think a one size fits all approach works well with such a diverse group.

To download the 2nd exposure draft click HERE, and email comments to AQBComments@appraisalfoundation.org. 

When making comments, please be specific, refer to a line number, state your position and give options.  Please just dont say I dont agree without explanation. The AQB needs to know why you dont agree.  The more information the AQB has on your position with regards to content with the document, both positive and negative, the more it will assist in making determinations about the proposed qualifications.

Keep in mind, the AQB looks at qualifications in a manner that will  continue the AF mission of enhancing public trust in appraising,  and not what might or might not benefit an individual appraiser or an appraisal organization.

Lets get out there and comment.

1 comment:

Dave Maloney said...

For a fairly detailed discussion of issues relating the the proposed new criteria see my Appraisal Course Associates article http://www.appraisalcourseassociates.com/2012/09/01/514/