
AAA Names New Executive Director

The Appraisers Association of America has announced the appointment of Linda Salvin as their new Executive Director.

From the AAA announcement
Dear Members and Friends:

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Appraisers Association of America, and with great pleasure, I announce the appointment of Linda Selvin, as incoming Executive Director of the AAA.

Linda will begin her tenure on September 16th.  She succeeds Executive Director Aleya Lehmann Bench, who led our organization with skill, integrity, tireless energy, and enthusiasm for over 9 years. Aleya helped to raise our organization’s profile among the general public and our allied professionals, and to ensure that we represent the highest standards of our profession. We are profoundly grateful for Aleya’s efforts, and we wish her every success in her return to her first love, fine art photography.  In order to assure a smooth transition, Aleya has agreed to remain as a consultant through the end of this year.  We are grateful to her for her professionalism and generosity.

Linda Selvin brings to the Appraisers Association of America 25 years of experience in arts and association management.  She is excited to return to the art world after an 18 year hiatus, during which time she honed her skills in the wider not-for-profit world.

Linda holds a B.S. in Arts Administration from Wagner College and a Masters in Public Administration from Baruch College, CUNY. She began her career as the Gallery Manager of the Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art, and went on to join the Pollock-Krasner Foundation as their Program Officer.  For 10 years she served as the Executive Director of The New York Branch of the International Dyslexia Association, Inc., where she managed their large operating budget and raised revenues, managed conferences and organized awards luncheons. She also worked on educational programing, and advocated on state and city governmental levels. Linda’s most recent position was as the Regional Director of the Arthritis Foundation, where she worked with the Board of Directors, diversified the organization’s fundraising, and oversaw public education programs attended by thousands annually.

We are very excited to have Linda Selvin bring her vast not-for-profit experience to our team!

Please join us at the September 17th launch for Appraising Art, a celebratory occasion which will be also be a great opportunity to wish Aleya a very fond farewell, and to welcome Linda to our growing and very supportive Association.

Yours Sincerely,

Betty Krulik, AAA
President, Appraisers Association of America

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