
ISA Conference, Part II

Just back from the International Society of Appraiser's annual conference in Kansas City, so it is a good and opportune time for some ISA congratulations and promotion.

What a fantastic time we had, showing again why the ISA conference is the personal property appraisal conference to attend.  The speakers as always, were great (Michael Findaly, Aquavella Galleries, Soodie Beasley, appraiser, Judith Pearson, Aris, Gretchen Wolf, IRS, James Jackson, Jackson Auctions, Peter Gaido attorney on expert witness testimony, with additional topics from art appraisal panels, conservation discussions, ISA Marketing Tools and more), the conference hotel was very good, Kansas City was fun, the food was amazing. The Foundation for Appraisal Studies raised funds and sold copies of the 2014 edition of the Journal of Advanced Appraisal Studies. We had parties, enjoyed the nightlife in KC and had a wonderful time in a beautiful mid-western city. Just image what our next conference in Philadelphia will be like in April 2015.

Also, just a quick shout out to my good friend, colleague and fellow appraiser Soodie Beasley, from Kansas City who helped us with planning, tours, presentations and was a wonderful ambassador for Kansas City appraisers. She is such a good example of professionalism and an asset to all appraisers with a great knowledge of social media, women designers and 20th century design and such a willingness to share. We love you Soodie!

The closing luncheon and awards ceremony on Monday was excellent, and most appraisers stayed to hear the last presentation by Gretchen Wolf of the Art Appraisal Services division of the IRS. So for the last presentation and closing of the conference, the room was full.  I was given a few awards, which was very gratifying and I greatly appreciate the recognition. My earlier presentation on all of the new and wonderful ISA marketing tools, including the new power point presentation, and promotional materials (some shown in the images of this post) was very well received. I actually ran out of time.

ISA president, Cindy Rosenberg, ISA CAPP, Conference Planning Chair Judith Martin, ISA CAPP and the full ISA board of directors deserve much credit for another great conference and for the continued strong growth and popularity of ISA. I had the opportunity to have lunch with Patrick Ela, the chair of personal property of ASA and we hope to work together with sister organizations on educating the public on the need to hire qualified appraisers and other joint ventures. As new sponsors of the Appraisal Foundation we also hope for an added and strengthened role in the development of USPAP standards, qualifications and practices.

ISA has accomplished so much over the past several years, and has positioned itself as the personal property appraisal organization of choice for many within the profession.  Many might ask why I say this or question the statement thinking I am biased as the immediate past president of ISA. For the doubters and skeptics, I will say you are probably thinking of the ISA of many years ago. All appraisers should be aware and research the new ISA as the organization, staff, leadership, education, credentials, and perhaps most importantly, the attitude has changed.

As I looked at the large conference crowd, I found that I did not recognize many of the faces, and I have been in attendance for 10+ years.  That is good news for the organization and future growth. In addition to the new faces were many, many young appraisers from around the country, I met young new appraisers from Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Missouri. This trend of young appraisers joining ISA was initially noted at conference in Tempe, AZ several years ago, seen again at our conference in Chicago of last year and was even more noticeable in KC this year. Feedback from long time members as well as new members was all positive and enthusiastic about the direction and amazing growth of ISA.

Additionally, in Kansas City ISA set records for sponsorship dollars and number of exhibitors at conference, again.  So this tells me there is a trend of recognition from allied professionals who wish to become associated not only with ISA but to have access to and contact with our members. Take this interest from allied professionals, add in enthusiasm from existing members, new members and young members and it all adds up to a dynamic and growing organization which is unsurpassed in the profession. Think about the implications of that for a moment.

Several of the speakers and exhibitors who have attended other appraisal conferences, commented to me on the openness and inclusiveness of ISA members and the approachable attitude of our leadership. They made a point to say how different and refreshing it was to see. Granted, most organizations can obtain interesting speakers, but it is the intangibles, such the inclusive, open atmosphere, networking, friendly staff, after-hours get togethers, new and old friends that make the ISA conference so different and enjoyable to attend.

I had an appraiser from a sister organization approach me after my presentation on ISA marketing tools who said their organization offered nothing like the new ISA marketing tools or website opportunities for individual member promotions and appraiser serach, and was considering joining ISA. Remember, if you are AAA certified, or ASA Senior you can easily bridge into ISA at the accredited level (ISA AM) by completing our application, fees, references, and showing USPAP compliance and document your advanced designation and good standing. The process is so simple and streamlined, you owe it to your career, your practice and future development to at least look into bridging to ISA. It would be the smart thing to do and within a few short years you will discover that ISA has become your primary appraisal organization in which you associate your practice with.

If you are an appraiser, or thinking about joining an appraisal organization, I highly recommend you consider ISA.

ISA is a personal property only organization, so there are no real estate appraisers or business value appraisers (meaning personal property appraising has our full attention), our appraisers range from generalists to the most recognized national and international experts, and we are evenly represented throughout the US and Canada. So, if you are located in Texas, Quebec, Florida, Virginia, Arizona, or British Columbia there is a network of appraisers willing to guide, consult and assist.

ISA is an organization which is financially secure with a growing young membership base and is now the personal property organization of choice.  Appraisers should be aware of this new paradigm and I encourage them to join ISA and share the success.

1 comment:

Mo said...

Not much to add to your usual pithy comments except that even an old timer (me) caught the new vibe evident throughout the conference. We are in the midst of a sea-change at the new old ISA. Mo Aubry