
Chubb Collectors

The new Chubb Collectors newsletter was just published.  It contains three interesting articles, one on oriental rugs and the various levels of quality and rarity, the growing interest of millennial collectors and how the art world is adapting to their buying habits and the growing interest and collector base of antique frames.

Just as a heads up should you be interested in learning more about antique frames, I hear ISA may be hosting a new webinar, this one with Eli Wilner's frame historian Suzanne Smeaton. I believe the webinar is scheduled for early December, so keep a watch on the ISA webinar page at http://www.isa-appraisers.org/education/webinars.  So, if you find the Chubb Collector article of interest, you might wish to check out the ISA/Wilner webinar.

The last ISA webinar on the broad evidence rule gained a large viewing audience and received much positive feedback, and the antique frame webinar should also draw well. I will post more when the details come out.

Chubb Collectors reports on the newsletter
Welcome to Chubb Collectors Quarterly Newsletter! The following list contains the latest newsletters for Fall 2014.

The Oriental Rug Market Pyramid
The hand-woven Oriental rug market can be daunting. This descriptive  pyramid  ranks rugs by quality, and was compiled to help guide you through the intricacies of buying - whether a durable hand-woven floor covering, a masterpiece, or any of the levels in between.

The Art World s Next Generation of Collectors: Meet the Millennials
A Jeff Koons sculpture sells at an online auction for $900,000, music artist JayZ creates a  happening  at The Pace Gallery and an innovative new website can intuitively help you discover the next artist that will inspire you. The demographics of the art world are changing, and the gate keepers of this world are beginning to adapt their methods in order to appeal to this new generation of collectors.

Wallflower No More: The Market For Antique Frames Blossoms
The perfect frame is a vital element for any picture, and the market for antique picture frames is a small but blossoming area in which enormous amounts of money sometimes change hands. Placing your picture in a different frame is a great way of stamping it with your own taste, and can often totally rejuvenate a long-neglected painting.

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