
Three Major Personal Property Organizations to Promote Qualified Appraisers

ISA, AAA and ISA just announced in a joint press release the mission and vision statements of the Circle of Trust. According to the press release, the mission is "to raise the public awareness of qualification standards for credentialed personal property appraisers who are members of the Appraisal Foundation sponsoring organizations".

Organization leaders (from left) Edie Yeomans (ASA), Cindy Charleston Rosenberg (ISA), Betty Krulik (AAA), Deborah Spanierman (AAA), Linda Selvin (AAA), Lela Hersh (ASA), Christine Guernsey (ISA), Todd Sigety (ISA) and Jim Hirt (ASA). 

I was one of the representatives for ISA, along with Cindy Rosenberg, ISA CAPP and new ISA President Christine Guernsey, ISA CAPP.  The group met and developed the press release and refined the mission statement at the AAA conference in NYC in early November.  All three organizations are excited about the prospect of working together to promote credentialed appraisers who follow the Appraisal Foundation qualification criteria and are sponsors of the Appraisal Foundation.

The press release states
CHICAGO – The three major personal property appraisal organizations jointly announce an initiative to educate the public regarding meaningful qualification standards for appraisers. The Appraisers Association of America (AAA), American Society of Appraisers (ASA) and the International Society of Appraisers (ISA), all support the effort as a needed step to improving overall appraiser professionalism and competency, and as furthering public trust in personal property appraisers.

To help guide the initiative and frame the overall scope, new mission and vision statements were developed. Leadership of the three organizations, Deborah Spanierman (AAA), Linda Trugman (ASA) and Christine Guernsey (ISA), explained in a joint statement: “Our mission is simple, to raise the public awareness of qualification standards for credentialed personal property appraisers who are members of the Appraisal Foundation sponsoring organizations.”

The intent behind the mission is explained through the coalition’s vision statement, “to protect the public from the risk and abuse of unqualified individuals performing personal property appraisals; to bring the Appraisal Foundation’s Appraisal Qualifications Board standard to the forefront of public awareness; and to raise the profile of the credentialed personal property appraiser.”

In addition to adhering to a code of ethics and following the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, the members of these associations earn their credentials through stringent accreditation processes, as well as completing continuing education requirements. These requirements provide a level of professionalism and trust that ensure the public that the appraisals performed by an accredited appraiser are among the most reliable appraisals available.

All three organizations urge the public to verify the educational and experiential background of appraisers prior to retaining their services, and to be wary of red flags that indicate an appraiser may not be objective in conducting appraisals. These include charging for appraisals based on the appraised value of an item, or offering to purchase an item the appraiser has appraised. Professional, competent appraisers always conduct appraisals at “arm’s-length,” without self-interest.

Questions or requests for further information about this joint announcement may be directed to:

Appraisers Association of America: For more information about AAA, visit www.appraisersassociation.org or call 212-889-5404.
American Society of Appraisers: For more information about ASA, visit www.appraisers.org or call 800-272-8258.
International Society of Appraisers: For more information about ISA, visit www.isa-appraisers.org or call 312-981-6778.

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