Droga5 has developed a Twitter campaign for the New Museum's George Condo: Mental States exhibition. The ad campaign is supported with print, subway and site-specific ads which include a Twitter link. When visiting these links, a list of one word tweets about the show are revealed with the ability to retweet. The main Tweet if from the NY Times calling the show "SENSATIONAL".
The full PR Newswire press release follows.
Innovative New Campaign for George Condo Exhibit at the New Museum Brings Together New York Times and New York Tweets
NEW YORK, March 23, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Droga5 is proud to announce a breakthrough digital campaign for "George Condo: Mental States" at The New Museum, the much acclaimed lower Manhattan cultural facility.
In keeping with the Museum's mission – "New Art, New Ideas" – the campaign will use social media technology to reinvent our fundamental sense of what constitutes art criticism in the 21st Century. For the first time, the "voice of god" establishment expertise of the New York Times will find itself paired with a real-time diary of emotional reactions delivered via Twitter from the street. The end result represents a revolutionary new way of thinking about art that is sure to influence other forms of criticism. It's hard to imagine any review ever being the same.
The campaign works as follows: In print, subway and site-specific ads featuring Condo's iconic Red Antipodular Portrait, the audience sees two corresponding quotes: one is an excerpt from the New York Times' rave review; the other is an unfamiliar URL. When the URL is entered into a browser on any device, viewers find a real-time carousel of one-word tweets from museum-goers who saw the show, followed by the hashtag #GeorgeCondo. Fans can retweet or add their own opinion to the record. While the Times' review – "SENSATIONAL" -- remains stationary, the New York tweets change to reflect real-time opinion for the duration of the show, which closes on May 8, 2011.
And no modern campaign would be complete without a creative incentive: the most retweeted comment each week will receive an Individual 1 Year Membership to the Museum.
The digital poster can be viewed at bit.ly/235ms.
Visit newmuseum.org for more information.
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