
Get Your Geek On

I just posted an excerpt from the Journal of Advanced Appraisal Studies - 2011 on social media that Jane Brennom and I wrote. In the article we discuss the importance of social media and connecting the various channels.

With that article in mind, I found an interesting chart developed for Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs, and as private practitioners, we are all CMOs) which gives a quick overview of many social media sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter,  Facebook, YouTube, Diggs, Tumblr, and StubmleUpon and it gives each a ranking of good, OK, and bad! for customer satisfaction, brand exposure, traffic to your site and search engine optimization (SEQ).  It is definitely worth looking at and printing out/saving in order to become familiar with some of the more important and popular social media sites.

For example, LinkedIn, which many of use is ranked bad for driving traffic to your site, but is good for brand exposure. 

Click HERE to open and download the CMO's Guide to the Social Landscape (PDF).

Speaking of social media, you can now follow Appraiser Workshops on Twitter. Just click on the button. Twitter is ranked as good for branding and customer communication, and OK for SEO and driving visitors to a website.

Follow toddsig on Twitter

Below is a sample portion of the chart. Click HERE to download the full PDF.

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