
Art-Care.com Adds New Video Feature

Art-Care, the listing service for appraisers, conservators and related fields is now offering the option of YouTube videos for provider pages.  The service is currently free so all appraisers should be taking advantage of the listing service and its features such as videos.

Art-Care is free listing service for appraisers and conservators as well as related services and fields.  Designated appraisers belonging to ISA, ASA and AAA as well as conservators with designations from American Institute for Conservation and International Institute for Conservation (IIC) are welcome to join.  The site allows for a personalized listing with contact information as well as images and links back to your own site sites.

The Art-Care.com site is well designed, and easy to navigate for potential clients and I am pleased to promote it and to encourage fellow appraisers to visit the site and sign up for a free listing and to take advantage of the new video feature.

Art Care is an established site and has been active for nearly 10 years, the listing is free and provides an excellent service for collectors as well as appraisers and conservators.  Go to www.art-care.com to register for free.

Art-Care reports
We are delighted to let you know that you now have the ability to add your YouTube Video to your Art-Care Provider page. Here are the directions: You may follow along by watching a recorded video tutorial at http://art-care.com/help/howto-youtube.php

1) Login by clicking "login" on the top right of any page on Art-Care.com.

2) Hover your mouse over your username in the top right of the page and then click "My Providers".

3) Click "Edit" next to your Provider page.

4) You will see a set of tabs, click on the tab on the far right, "YouTube Videos".

5) Click "Add a YouTube video"; this will then ask you for the YouTube video URL.

6) When you navigate to the video that you posted on YouTube, copy the URL from the address bar located at the top of the window.

To copy the URL you should select the entire URL in the address bar, then right-click on the selected text and click "copy".

7) Paste the URL into the field that is asking for the YouTube video URL. To paste, right-click in the input box and then click "paste".

8) Click "Load" once you have pasted the YouTube video URL in the box. This will gather the video, a preview image, title, description, and keywords. You may edit the title, description, and keywords.

8) Click "Save" when you are ready to save the video and attach it to your Art-Care Provider page.

To get your creative video making juices flowing, here are some suggestions: Make a video illustrating the services you offer, and show your studio, business facility, library, or lab.

Show a sequence of the steps necessary for a particular treatment program or a research project.

Show results, with before and after photographs, show proper gilding, framing, storage, or display. I want to encourage you all to take advantage of this video feature. Videos are wonderful tools, are easy to make and will be informative, dynamic and entertaining aspects to your page.

Let us know if you need help, because we are happy to help you.

To learn how to make a video try this web site: www.Animoto.com


We are building a video hosting solution on the site. So you if you don't want to put your video on to youtube, you won't have to.

We are getting an average of 350 distinct visitors a day. We have 285 providers listed on the site.

We are busy building traffic and doing everything we can think of to help make Art-Care an even more awesome service.

We will be sending you updates as we develop more features for our site.
Source: Art-Care

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