
24th Paris Biennale des Antiquaires

The Wall Street Journal is reporting strong sales at the 24th Paris Biennale des Antiquaires, France's leading antique show and fair. According to the WSJ, "Overall, sales are up 20% over the prior fair, said Christian Deydier, president of the Syndicat National des Antiquaires which organizes and sponsors the fair. Mr. Deydier, who is also a Paris-based Asian antiquities dealer."

The other very interesting point I find in the article is the change in taste as the antiques business trends toward the 20th century and mid century property. The article states "a total of 25% of the dealers are showcasing 20th-century material, emphasizing the importance of this category."

I for one, and I would assume many other personal property appraiser need to start developing additional product knowledge and identification experience in mid century decorative arts. If we fail to do so, and the desirability and collectiblity of this period continues to show growth, there is much danger for mis-identification and improperly setting values. We all know where that leads to, an increased exposure to risk and potential law suits and claims. It certainly appears that more and more higher end shows are starting to allow mid century decorative arts on the floor, and more dealers are starting to sell property that collectors now desire, regardless of age and age biases. Appraisers need to stay current, and not only be aware of trends, but also have the ability and knowledge base to appraiser property as trends come and go.

To read the Wall Street Journal article, click HERE.

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