I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. I have not posted since early May, and even prior to that I was not posting as regularly as I like or have done in the past.
First, things slowed down with isolation, shut downs and social distancing, and with that I thought a good time for a bit of a break. I probably had more time to post, but found little of interest and with the change in routine focuses on other opportunities and interests.
Then, on May 10th I had unexpected quadruple bypass surgery. I bit of a shock, but all is well and the recovery has gone better than expected. That certainly slowed me a down as well, while it also makes you reassess your priorities as well as lifestyles.
We look at the discovery and surgery as a blessing as the blockages were caught before any major medical events, such as a heart attack. The good news, according to the cardiologist is my heart is in very good condition and did not sustain any damage.
With that, I am now getting back to work with some interesting appraisal assignments, and I am please about that as too many days have run together over the past few months. My plans for the Appraiser Worskshops blog are still forming or re-forming. I hope to continue to post, but will probably reduce the number of posts and only post when something major happens or something with a high level interest to the personal property appraisal community, or something that interests me and I wish to share. Additionally I am working with the ISA Conference Planning Committee for the 2021 Assets Annual Conference which if all goes well will be held in Washington DC in March of 2021. We have some exciting things planned and a lot of great programs.
I have been posting for over 10 years now, and have over 4,000 posts, mostly dealing with appraising and the fine and decorative arts markets.
So stay safe and look for my posts in the future.
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